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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Monday, September 11, 2006

ShEd PrOdUCtiONs...WhAt iT hAs PrOdUcEd...

Shed has produced well over two hundred hours of prime time drama, with Bad Girls now being recommissioned for an 8th series and Footballers Wives 5 is being transmitted early 2006.. Shed retains the associated rights attached to its productions, and distributes its products to broadcasters in over 25 major territories. Shed’s programme library continues to perform very well in DVD and the international market and a key highlight of 2005 was the sale of both Footballers’ Wives and Bad Girls to BBC America. Shed markets itself to broadcasters using the strength of its brands. Bad Girls and Footballers' Wives have both delivered high prime-time mass audiences in the valuable 16 to 34 year old demographic. To date, Shed have produced seven series of Bad Girls and five series of Footballers' Wives.


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