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Sunday, September 10, 2006

ITV 'considers axing Bad Girls'

ITV 'considers axing Bad Girls'
ITV is considering cancelling prison drama Bad Girls, according to an e-mail leaked to Broadcast magazine. "Should we be planning to announce Bad Girls comes to an end this series?" asked ITV's director of television, Simon Shaps in the message. "It comes down to what choices we have," replied the controller of drama, Laura Mackie, who accidentally sent the exchange to a rival TV channel. ITV said no decision has been made about the programme's future.
The production company behind Bad Girls, Shed Productions, said it was confident the show would be re-commissioned. Eileen Gallagher from Shed Productions told BBC News she had spoken to Mr Shaps, who was "shocked and horrified" that his e-mail had leaked. He admitted sending the message, she said, but added that "things had changed since then because ratings had gone up". "I'd hate to lose Bad Girls because it's my favourite show - it was our first show - and it's got a massive, loyal fanbase," said Gallagher.


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