♥ ...þRì¥ã§ ÏñЀþ€ÑЀÑt §TüÐ¥...♥

♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Sunday, September 10, 2006

MeDiA InStiTuTioNs...

What is the institutional source of the text? The institutional source of the text is ITV, Shed Productions.
In what ways has the text been influenced or shaped by the institution which produced it? It is a drama serial, made to entertain.
Is the source a public service or commercial institution? Commercial institution.
What difference does this make to the text? The difference it makes is that it features commercials and as it is an hour long is has regular breaks.


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