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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Sunday, September 10, 2006


To which genre does the text belong? Drama serial...
To what extent are the characters generically determined? Because they are in prison one expeccts them to be bad behaved and mischievous.
To what extent are the audience’s generic expectations of the text fulfilled or cheated by the text? The audiences expectations are very much fulfilled as each episode contains much action and mischevious cunning behaviour.
Does the text conform to the characteristics of the genre, or does it treat them playfully or ironically? A bit of both really.
Does the text feature a star, a director, a writer etc who is strongly associated with the genre? Current series 8 is written by Liz Lake, Produced by Sharon Houlihan and Directed by Barnaby Southcombe.


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