♥ ...þRì¥ã§ ÏñЀþ€ÑЀÑt §TüÐ¥...♥

♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



Who is being represented? women are being represented...
In what way?
many different ways, some have positive roles in the serial yet some can also have negative roles.
Why is the subject being represented in this way? most people may assume that women in jail are like how they are being represented...which is why in some respect sterotypes are fufilled.
Is the representation fair and accurate? one cannot really say whether the representation is fair and accurate, because different prisons will be different, however most of the women in Larkhall are very adventurous and one could say that alot of those thigns do not happen in real life.
What opportunities exist for self-representation by the subject? Due to it being a serial not many opportunities lie for people to represent themselves as a script is written for them to follow.


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