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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Monday, September 11, 2006


Well as I dont have powerpoint I did it on here so yh...bascially my chosen text is 'Bad Girls' and how women are represented in the serial. Bad Girls comes on every thursday at 9.00pm...i myself watch the program and find it throughly enjoyable because of how different it is compared with many otha serials.

It is set in Larkhall Prison and each episode is an hour long consistanting of the different actitvites and missions the inmates of this prison. Not only is this serial made to entertain...it was also made to raise awareness of what can really happen in prisons.

Bad Girls, Within These Walls, Prisoner Cell Block H… prisons provide vivid material for writers of TV drama because the lives of so many prisoners have been filled with trauma and abuse before they get to prison. These past expereinces of what the inmates have supposedly gone through provides an insight to some of the mistakes they did and how they did them.

A prison setting offers an enclosed world where the audience can get to know the characters and where the constant efforts of prisoners to get one over on the staff give opportunities for comedy even when the main storyline is tragic.


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