♥ ...þRì¥ã§ ÏñЀþ€ÑЀÑt §TüÐ¥...♥

♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Sunday, September 17, 2006





At 10:53 AM , Blogger x..sam..x said...

ElO FaTtY..WaS GoOoD!?..blogs looking good buh there was no need to copy my pink theme :D:P..you got lotz of research which is alwayz good..and youve obviously thought about wat topic u wnted to carfulli as uve looked at more than one text!..if anything id say jus link your research bak to the title and how it will be usful..:)...NeHu LuV Ya..PiNkY xXx

At 12:09 PM , Blogger Furzana said...

HeY Priya,
Your blog looks really good and its full of research about the show. Bad girls is a really good text as its focuses on real life and how women can also be violent and aggressive like men. For example.. How women are put in prison. Ours are similar in our way as they focus on the reality of today. It should be good. Good Luck xXx Fuz xXx

At 1:08 PM , Blogger Kavita said...


Our texts are very similar because they're both serial dramas and are set in prisons so i could use Bad Girls as a similar text to compare with Prison Break.

Positive points:
- You've shown good social context research about your study like the "did u know" and breast cancer posts
- You've found similar texts like "footballers' wives" as well.
- the whole presentation of your blog is very colourful and looking great!

- Maybe you could post up some reviews and highlight the useful parts.



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