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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Monday, November 06, 2006

...sELf eVaLuAtiOn...

aTtAiNmEnT... 2= I think I have understood all or most of the content taught in the lessons so far, therefore I am going to give myself a 2. I think however I could read over my notes and handouts to get a better understanding.

eFFoRt... 2...I have given myself a 2, as I feel i do feel as if though I put alot of effort into Media Studies.

PuNcTuALiTy... 1...I would give my punctuality a 1 as I have improved dramatically, since last term.

sUbMiSSiOn & qUaLiTy oF hOmEwOrK... 2...I would give myself a 2 as I have failed to hand in some piecs of work this term, however do my blog work as when needed to etc.

AbiLiTy tO wOrK iNdEpEnDeNtLy... 1...I gave myself a 1 as I feel as if though I can work independently, however sometimes do prefer working in a group better.

QuALiTy oF wRiTiNg... 2...I would give myself a 2, as when I do try and express my media knowledge it is of a high standard however this also could be improved.

oRgAniSaTiOn oF mEdiA foLdEr...3...I would give myself a 3, as I still need to properly sort out some work, however it is usually all in form.

oRaL cOnTriBuTiOnS iN cLaSs... 2....I think i do contribute in class, more in Mr Bush's then Mr Munro's lessons, so therefore I have given myself a 2.

sTaNdArD oF mOdULe 5... sTaNdArD oF mOdULe 6..for both I would give myself a 2...my blogs are quite good and perhaps are only missing maybe 1 or 2 pieces of work.
>make sure all tasks such as reading and highlighting is done...
> more investigating on blogs about certain issues...
> more effort and improve standard of writing...


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