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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Thursday, October 26, 2006


...iNdEpEnDeNt TeLeViSiOn...

In the case of ITV independent refers to the ITC franchise holders. The word was orginally used to differentiate the commercial operators from the BBc. Confusingly however it also refers to something else (those production companies that do not belong to any of the franchise holders, or for that matter to the BBC.

...oVeRviEw oF iTv...
In independent television ie. (ITV) programmes emanate from two principal sources: the Regions and the ITV Network Centre. There are fifteen regional companies companies all withfranchises awarded by the independent television commission. ITV Network Centre is an organisation between the ITC and the regional companies which is responsible for commissioning and scheduling nationally broadcast programmes.
tHeRe aRe 15 ITV LiCeNcEs..
  • Anglia
  • Border
  • Carlton
  • Central
  • Channel
  • Grampian
  • Granada
  • HTV
  • LWT
  • Meridian
  • Scottish
  • Tyne Tees
  • Ulster
  • Westcountry
  • Yorkshire

Most of the ITC franchise holders are owned by four main companies: in order of their currents size they are

  • Granada...owns Granada TV, LWT, and has shares in BSkyB and BD (British Digitial Broadcasting.) the granada group also has substantial interests in hotels.
  • Carlton Communications...owns Carlton TV (the London weekday franchise) Central TV and Wescountry Television ans had shares in BDB and GMTV, Carlton also has a 50% share in ONdigital.
  • United News and Media...owns Anglia and Meridian TV and hs shares in Yorskshire TV, HTV and C5. They aso own news express Sunday Express and Daily Star.
  • Channel 4


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