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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Man cleared in 'terror film' case

His film, shot at night, featured "high profile" sights including Big Ben, the London Eye and Park Lane hotels. Iraqi Rauf Mohammed, 26, told Woolwich Crown Court the video had been shot as a tourist souvenir. Mr Mohammed, of Forest Gate, east London, also said footage of him saying leaders, including Tony Blair, should be "slayed" had been meant as a joke.
Mr Mohammed's film, which was made in 2003, featured images of the high security Paddington Green police station where terrorist suspects are held.
It was shot as he drove around London listening to music about martyrdom but was described by the defence as evidence of a "silly" sense of humour.
MI5 surveillance
Prosecutor Mr Paul Taylor claimed the film was designed to help terrorists "plan and carry out an attack on the capital". Police searched Mr Mohammed's flat in after his arrest in January 2005. Suspicions were raised when the footage was found along with a video recording of a speech by al-Qaed leader Osama Bin Laden.

The jury was told Mr Mohammed had been kept under surveillance by MI5 after arriving back in the UK in 2004 from a visit to Iraq. According to a subsequent Home Office assessment, he had taken part in "anti-coalition activity" in Iraq and continued to "actively support" the insurgency. But Mr Mohammed, who had been in the UK since 2000, told the jury the authorities had not provided an explanation of how they linked him to the insurgency or detailed any alleged activities. He said he had not been involved in politics or any groups in London. His barrister, Lawrence McNulty reminded the jury there had been "infamous miscarriages of justice" at past terrorist trials when there was a perceived threat to national security. Mr Mohammed was found not guilty of four charges under the Terrorism Act 2000 related to possessing and making both the original video and a copy.


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