♥ ...þRì¥ã§ ÏñЀþ€ÑЀÑt §TüÐ¥...♥

♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

DiFFeReNt TyPeS oF tErRoRiSt AtTacKs!

So you think theres only the one type of terrorism? Well beleive or not your wrong!
Theres actualli more then just one type of terrorist attack. A terrorist attack can be any one of the following incidents:
1. Bombing
2. Kidnapping or Hostage- taking
3. Armed attacks
4. Assasinations
5. Hijacking
6. Skyjacking
7. Cyberterrorism


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