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♥ {hOw aRe wOmEn RePrEsEnTeD iN BaD GiRLs?}♥

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

wHaTs TeRrOriSm aBoUt?

So how can one really define 'terrorism?' What do you think of when one refers to terrorism? Do you think of the attacks on the 'World Trade Centre' on Septempber the 11th 2001? Or do you think of the 7th of July where we were hit more closer to home...the London the bus bombings? Or do you feel as if though what happened on the 21st of July (London underground bomb attacks) had specific features complying to the defintion of terrorism?
Or is your thought on terrorism completly different?

Although these were horrific attacks, these were not the only attacks recorded in history...some may not even be recorded. However terrorism isnt only about ruining buildings and causing mass injury. Terrorism involves extraordinary violence. It is intended to create massive fear and involves a planned attack for a purpose, often against something or someone. Terrorism is meant to have an audience. The differences between various terrorist attacks involve the people, purpose, and how it is carried out.


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